Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014


Fluorescent lamp is a special of the arc lamp. In a fluorescent lamp the glass case of lamp tube is coated with a fluorescent powder consisting primarily of phosphors. Fluorescent is the property of material to reemit radiation in the visible range of wavelengths when irradiated by energy at wavelength outside the visible range. In a fluorescent lamp an arc is created in a mercury vapor. The mercury vapor emits photons at visible and ultraviolet wavelengths. These ultraviolet (253.7 nm) photons cause the lamp coating to fluoresce. The fluorescence caused by the interaction of the ultraviolet photons and the lamp coating results in a concentration of the emitted energy in visible region. For a given watt of input electrical power, a fluorescent lamp will have more emitted energy in the visible spectra than a incandescent lamp. The input power not radiated as visible light is given off as infrared radiation and conducted heat.
**** Sumber : Optoelectric Devices and Principles; William J Mooney; Prentice Hall; New Jersey;1991

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